Can you name all ten OpenStack releases?

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Can you name all of the OpenStack releases? It's harder than you think, even for some of the core members of the development teams.

During OpenStack Summit, a sampling of attendees were surveyed to see if they could. The results were, well, mixed.

With Juno coming up as the tenth release in November (there's your first and only hint), we've had nine previous versions released, all of which are named after a place near the location of the Summit that preceeded the release. We'll let you give it a try first, but if you get stumped, the answers are below.

        Give up? Click here for the answers.

  • Austin: Named after the location of the first design summit, in Texas.
  • Bexar: The county containing San Antonio, Texas.
  • Cactus: Cactus is another city in Texas.
  • Diablo: Diablo is located near Santa Clara, CA.
  • Essex: Essex is located near Boston, MA.
  • Folsom: Folsom is located near San Francisco, CA.
  • Grizzly: Grizzly is a symbol of California (the summit was in San Diego).
  • Havana: Havana is located near Portland, Oregon.
  • Icehouse: There is a street in Hong Kong named Ice House.
  • Juno: Juno is located near Atlanta, Georgia.
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100 votes tallied
37% (37 votes)
37% (37 votes)
I didn't know there were so many!
26% (26 votes)



1 Comment

I can remember Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, and Dopey, but not the rest.