Your guide to open decisions

We're introducing our latest community resource for open-minded leaders everywhere.
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Think about the last decision you made.

Okay, the last important decision you made. The one that affected lots of people by impacting the way they work together.

Did the decision surprise them? Does it reflect their best interests? Will they be ready and willing to help you implement its effects?

Open-minded leaders know that open decisions are better decisions—more transparent, inclusive, and customer-centric. But learning to make open decisions is tough.

So we're launching a new resource to help teams everywhere better leverage the power of open. "What is the Open Decision Framework?" outlines one of our community's most-consulted resources: the Open Decision Framework from the People team at Red Hat, a tool any organizational leader can use to become a more savvy, sensitive, sophisticated—and yes, more open—maker of decisions.

It's available now, ready for sharing via a Creative Commons license.

Checking it out might be the most important decision you make today.

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The Open Organization aims to reshape the future of management and collaboration in companies and organizations who want to transform the way they do business. Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst wrote The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance about his leadership transition from traditional management to an open organization.


While the Open Decision Framework was in development I forked it and remixed it for an international Greenpeace project. We've benefited a lot from having the ODF to refer back to, and to give to new people contributing. Highly recommended resource!!

Great resource. Glad you are doing this. We need models for implementation and this will be a part of that solution.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.