Jim Hall

Authored Comments

Thanks for the quotes!

I do find I like writing. This was quite a change for me; in my undergraduate days, I hated writing. But as I got more experience in writing (first by writing documentation, then tech briefs at my first job, then white papers in later jobs, etc) I found that I really like writing. I enjoy the research aspect, and putting things in order.

As I write about a topic, I do learn more about it. Even if I'm writing about something in my wheelhouse, I'll research a bit more about the topic so I can explain it well.

This is a great article, thanks for sharing!

For years, I assumed Eric coined "open source," but it was about a year ago when I was teaching a class on the usability of open source software that I happened upon an article that credited you in that meeting for "open source."

I think so many people (myself included) assumed Eric came up with "open source" because he wrote so much about "open source" in those early days. It's great to get this additional backstory. Wonderful read. Thanks!