Jim Hall

Authored Comments

Great tips! I already do most of these on my laptop (Fedora) so that's great.

I also edit fstab to set noatime on my laptop filesystems, since I don't have anything that is sensitive to access times. I think Elm and Pine relied on atime, a while back, but I have moved to other mail clients now. I wonder if this is still necessary? (But I think it does give a little performance boost, even on SSD.)

What are your thoughts on noatime?

Thanks for the great comments!

I'd also like to point out an interesting artefact on the installer screenshot. When prompted for the IP address, I first entered, the standard loopback address. Then I realized I wanted to use an IP address from my private network, so I backspaced and changed it to

But during the install, the console isn't set up properly yet, so backspaces are represented by "\", then each character as you backspace over it, then "/" when normal typing resumes.

That's why is written backwards ( as I backspace over what I'd just typed.

That's also why you see 8.8..\./8.8 later on. I mis-typed a second dot when entering the DNS address.