Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

There are some hacks to tap into CalDAV; I haven't looked into it because I haven't needed that functionality yet. I keep meaning to give it a go.

You make a valid point; Windows comes on most computers. But not all computers are purchased from a store as new. Some are bought used and might want a fresh OS (either for information security or for security updatedness), others are built from parts, others are rescued from a dumpster (sometimes literal, sometimes figurative), and so on. I believe there's a social responsibility that the tech space bears to ensure that any computer that *can* run, does run. No computer should be thrown into the landfill just because it's "too old", or "too slow", or "just isn't cool anymore". For those computers, especially, an OS is very often required, and the big software vendors out there do nothing to make sure we are keeping old tech alive for the sake of resource efficiency.