Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

It looks like late last year, support for 3.0 was committed to Github →

If you download Trelby from Github, then it should work with wx 3.x, presumably on Ubuntu 16 and above (I have not had the chance to test on Ubuntu, but the devs are using Debian, so I assume it should work). If you are not familiar with Git or Github, checkout my articles on Git:

I am updating the article with a link to Github rather than (which features a release from 2012 or something, in spite of the fact that updates have been made as recently as Dec 2015).

In the meantime, I have patched the Trelby code, so that it should work with EITHER 2.8 or 3.0. A merge request is pending.

s/possible/easy. It can be done; use pip (or compile it yourself) to install locally a version of wx, and use the local version of wx when launching Trelby. However, as you're saying, that's not exactly user-friendly.

I'll see if I get a chance to look at Trelby; it may be an easy fix to get from 2.8 to 3.x... If I get to it, I'll submit a proposed patch to the Trelby folk.

In the meantime, check out some of the other options, particularly that fancy-looking tkscenarist that just got recommended!