Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

Yes, of course it's safe to use git for financial software. Any "risk" involved is in how you manage your own code, and of course, the encryption between server and clients (but that has nothing to do with git).

Obviously you should not publish private key files in your public git repository; to protect yourself against that, use a strict .gitignore policy, and force code review prior to each push.

.gitignore is quite simple; read more about it here:

Forcing a code review and sign-off is something you can set up git hooks to do; I'll be covering git hooks in a later article in this series, so check back!

Bravo! thanks for the referral. I wish I'd known about this prior to writing this series of articles. Maybe I'll be able to sneak in a mention in a later revision. Thanks for providing a hosting platform that is free and open source. I've signed up and look forward to trying it out.