Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project.
OpenStack around the web
There's a lot of interesting stuff being written about OpenStack. Here's a sampling:
- OpenStack certification programs address shortage in expertise: Getting certified as a cloud architect.
- OpenStack and OPNFV strengthen collaboration for telcos: A report from the first OPNFV summit.
- Technical Committee highlights: Welcoming new projects, working group reports, and project tags.
- Happy (belated) birthday, OpenStack: You have much to look forward to.
- Connect the dots on OpenStack Neutron with this updated manual: A new book will help you out.
- Our cloud in Kilo: How CERN updated their OpenStack installation.
- Powering one billion page views and 170 million unique visitors per month: OpenStack steps up to the challenge.
- Practical tips for working with OpenStack: A roundup of the latest OpenStack guides and tutorials.
- OpenStack Mitaka release: What's next for OpenStackClient and documentation.
OpenStack discussions
Here's a sample of some of the most active discussions this week on the OpenStack developers' listserv. For a more in-depth look, why not dive in yourself?
- Security Groups OVS conntrack support: Is there a plan to add conntrack support to the security groups for the OVS driver in Mitaka cycle?
- Using reno for libraries: Progress on adding reno to service projects.
- Stable team PTL nominations are open: Electing a new program team leader.
- Releases vs. development cycle: How best to align projects.
- Encouraging first-time contributors through bug tags/reviews: Getting more people involved.
Cloud & OpenStack events
Here's what is happening this week. Something missing? Email us and let us know, or add it to our events calendar.
- OpenStack and OVSDB demystified: Tuesday, December 1; Bangalore, India.
- Containers on OpenStack and using Ansible to manage OpenStack: Tuesday, December 1; Melbourne, Australia.
- OpenStack meetup: Wednesday, December 2; Budapest, Hungary.
- OpenStack user stories meetup: Wednesday, December 2; Munich, Germany.
- OpenStack and Ceph is back: Wednesday, December 2; Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Interested in the OpenStack project development meetings? A complete list of these meetings' regular schedules is available here. Thanks to the Developer Mailing List Digest for many of these linked items.
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