Cloud certification programs, OPNFV networking, and more OpenStack news

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Blue clouds, OpenStack

Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project.

OpenStack around the web

There's a lot of interesting stuff being written about OpenStack. Here's a sampling:

OpenStack discussions

Here's a sample of some of the most active discussions this week on the OpenStack developers' listserv. For a more in-depth look, why not dive in yourself?

Cloud & OpenStack events

Here's what is happening this week. Something missing? Email us and let us know, or add it to our events calendar.

Interested in the OpenStack project development meetings? A complete list of these meetings' regular schedules is available here. Thanks to the Developer Mailing List Digest for many of these linked items.

User profile image.
Jason was an staff member and Red Hatter from 2013 to 2022. This profile contains his work-related articles from that time. Other contributions can be found on his personal account.

1 Comment

How do VNFs get tested and certified in a cloud environment and is there a mechanism in Openstack for orchestrating VNFs? It seems like a VNF will take just as long or maybe longer to certify as a traditiinal PNF and Openstack & Cloud in general offer no advantages in this space.

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