Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project.
OpenStack around the web
There's a lot of interesting stuff being written about OpenStack. Here's a sampling:
- Why you should attend an OpenStack Summit: Ten highlights from the last summit to get you excited about Vancouver.
- Implementation of Pacemaker managed OpenStack VM recovery: Detecting and fixing compute node failures.
- OVN and OpenStack status: What's new in open virtual networking?
- China hosts OpenStack bug-fix hackathon: Organizing what will become a twice-yearly event.
- 8 new tutorials for success with OpenStack: In case you missed in, our own round up of the best tutorials published last month.
- PyCon 2015: Reflections from volunteering for OpenStack, and more.
- Debugging TripleO Heat templates: Deploying OpenStack with its own templating engine.
- You can try OpenStack before you buy: A look at the free TryStack website.
- Gnocchi 1.0: Storing metrics and resources at scale.
Just for fun: OpenStack reactions: Having to look for an error into a DevStack log.
OpenStack discussions
Here's a sample of some of the most active discussions this week on the OpenStack developers' listserv. For a more in-depth look, why not dive in yourself?
- Upcoming library releases to unfreeze requirements in master: Update have been made to several important libraries.
- Please stop reviewing code while asking questions: Understanding patchsets before scoring them.
- Question for the TC candidates: Making tough choices about potential Technical Committee members.
- Cross-project coordination: How can networking and compute better coordinate?
- A big tent home for Neutron backend code: Where should the repositories live?
OpenStack events
Here's what is happening this week. Something missing? Email us and let us know, or add it to our events calendar.
- Silicon Valley OpenStack operators meetup: April 29, 2015; San Jose, CA.
- Trove database as a service: April 30, 2015; Wellington, New Zealand.
- Discuss and learn about OpenStack: April 30, 2015; Denver, CO.
OpenStack Summit coming up!
Don't forget to mark your calendar for the big event! OpenStack Summit is May 18-22, 2015 in Vancouver, BC.
Interested in the OpenStack project development meetings? A complete list of these meetings' regular schedules is available here.
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