Andrew Ludwar (He/Him)

192 points
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Andrew is an enthusiastic open source advocate, with a background in systems administration and enterprise architecture. He's been in the IT and open source field for 18+ years spending most of his time in the Telecommunication and Energy industries. Andrew holds a B.Sc in Computer Science and a Master's certificate in Systems Design and Project Leadership. Andrew works for Red Hat as a Senior Solutions Architect helping customers in Western Canada.

Authored Comments

Ruth, thank you so much for sharing. I love this article. It brought back not-so-distant memories of a poor environment exacerbating the problem for me too. "One day away from fired, for twenty-five years" really sums up the emotional burden of what this can feel like. You bring up such an important point that's often overlooked in imposter syndrome, trust. Everything starts with trust.

Awesome list! Thank you for sharing. I came across a couple non-technical books this year that touch more on the social and managerial impact of open source. (Social norms, distributed decision making, etc. Similar to The Open Organization). Might be worth a read for those looking for less technical of a book!

Predictably Irrational
by Dan Ariely
ISBN: 978-0-06-135325-6

The Innovator's Dilemma
by Claton M. Christensen
ISBN: 978-0-06-052199-8