Alison Chaiken

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Mountain View, CA

Alison Chaiken is a software developer who rides bikes in Mountain View, CA. Her day job is maintaining the Linux kernel and writing operating-system-monitoring applications in C++ for Aurora Innovation. Alison has contributed upstream to u-boot, kernel, bazel and systemd and presented talks at Embedded Linux Conference, Usenix, and Southern California Linux Expo. She has worked for more than a decade on vehicle software, including a half year in Germany, and is in her seventh year of German study. Alison's formal education was in physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she was exposed to the then-new GPL and emacs. Her web site is

Authored Comments

Have a look here

at about 4:00. You'll want to look at the slides separately. They are are at

Jonas, freundliche Grüße! You are of course correct, the bootloader reads the DTB into memory and passes the address to the kernel on the commandline. We have no filesystems with paths in the kernel, of course, until the system is well up. The kernel commandline need not be part of the device-tree, of course; many u-boot implementations read it from NOR and pass it to the kernel. The grub.cfg file that lives in /boot contains the x86 command-lines, so GRUB must pass the CLI to Linux as well.