Kevin Cole

547 points
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Washington DC

By day, a consultant for NOVA Web Development. By evening and weekend, he dons his costume (which looks remarkably like the jeans and T-shirts he normally wears), and goes out doing battle against the forces of proprietary software. He was the team contact for the Ubuntu DC "LoCo" and one of the hosts of the former OLPC Learning Club/Sugar Labs DC. (He has also served as a Red Hat Ambassador.)

Authored Comments

I've got a fun little tale: Back before I'd ever heard of Unix, let alone used it, on the Digital Equipment Corporation's DECsystem-10, running a very non-Unix-like OS, TOPS-10, It had two editors at the time: a character-based editor, TECO (the Text Editor and COrrector) and a line-based editor, SOS (Son of Stopgap). Well, our systems programmer found this new-fangled screen-based editor and installed it: FINE (Fine is Not Emacs). I had no idea what that meant except that it was a fantastic editor. Fast-forward through several OS's to Linux, and lo and behold, I see the name emacs... and find the parent of an old friend there to greet me.

See also the Staffing Cooperative [] out of Baltimore, MD. which describes itself as "a cooperative staffing agency for returning citizens (previously incarcerated individuals) that uses temporary work, open occupational-focused education, and shared ownership to achieve the entrepreneurial, educational, and career goals of its members while delivering affordable talent to its clients. We provide businesses with part-time, full-time and per-project talent leasing solutions."

We at NWD want to keep in touch with Staffing and see if there's room for cross-pollination. ;-)