Laurel L. Russwurm

Authored Comments

Even though I didn't really have the time, I was really looking forward to the Clay Shirky forum. So it is really It's too bad I was unable to attend.

I'm not a programmer, I'm just a writer who has (thanks in large part to Mr. Shirkey's "Here Comes Everybody") become a netizen.

Because I am not a programmer, I can't distinguish between good java script and bad javascript, so I use noscript. I already knew I have to grant permission for this site to be functional.

In signing up for the webinar I granted permission to and redhat but that wasn't good enough. I granted dozens of temporary permissions... in fact everything on the list of what was blocked... and it *still* wasn't good enough. I know my limitations well enough to not to grant global permission, or to change the permission settings without having someone who does know sitting at my elbow. That's not possible today.

So. It was *never* going to let me in, so I selected the "join with limited functionality." Which gave me a black screen with a tab that says "click to play" Rather similar to what I get on YouTube. And just like when I click on a you tube video that is Flash, I can't play it. (I use the Trisquel OS, and avoid Flash.)

So. It would have been nice to be able to attend your webinar. Too bad.