Lee A Brian

282 points
Lee A Brian
Clayton, NC

Lee A Brian has grown up using Open Source operating systems, since she was about ten years old. She loves using GIMP to create playful cards to friends and family or even generate animated images. She hopes to one day master Blender in order to make a motion picture and have a rendering farm entirely made of Raspberry Pi. When it is all said and done, she just wants to show the rest of the world what Open Source can do to help them.

Authored Comments

I was stating my ease of mind, and the only person one person has gotten fired up. Your point was better made in this statement. The editing staff and I could take this into consideration, however it is up to us.

The article was submitted to a community that realizes every OS is not perfect, even the HTTP flaw. We appreciate your concern and I am sure once the HTTP is fixed someone will created another problem.

Sorry, it took me till today to reply. Having to get used to the way comments are set up and the massive response one article can get.

I didn't realize there was an Ubuntu Phone being released, that's great. I think someone should make a phone using the best parts, and give us a chance to load it however we want. Just like we do our computers.

Is there anything about Mac, you would love to see available Open Source? Btw I love your username.