
222 points
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Linux user since 2009, stayed with Fedora ever since (and I like it!).
Interested in Open Source Way of doing things, sharing ideas and solutions. Focus on human aspects rather than bits & bytes. Favour nifty tools like markdown, newsbeuter and grep.
Learned the command line through breaking my system and annoying my house mates -- but also used CLI to get it running again ;-)

Authored Comments

I use twirssi next to Twitter in a browser. Twirssi is a script running inside IRC client irssi.

nowadays tweets contain more than text alone, so IMHO with a CLI twitter client you might miss half the fun.

on the other hand when I use twirssi together with mutt (mail) and newsbeuter (rss feeds) in one i3 workspace, I have a great overview of what is happening. when I want to see the details on a news site or tweet, I just switch over to Firefox in another workspace

I tried a script on my Fedora 24 box with systemd, but it failed to run. have two possible causes:

1. the article doesn't mention making the script executable -- is it necessary?

2. my script does a 'dnf upgrade -y && dnf clean all' (system upgrade, clean cache) that is only allowed by su, I don't use sudo -- does the systemd routine automatically run root scripts when shutting down as a normal user?