Aleksandar Todorović

931 points
Aleksandar Todorović
Brčko, Bosnia & Herzegovina

I'm a part of the tech department for an awesome investigative journalism network called OCCRP. I'm really passionate about open source software, artificial intelligence and information security. My open source contributions are now merged with projects like reddit, elementary OS and the Tor Project. I'm running a personal blog where I share my personal stories. You can connect with me on Twitter: @r3bl_.

Authored Comments

I've been using Terminator for years now and it's perfect for my needs. Ever since I installed it, I have never looked back. Using 0.8 transparency so I can see whatever I have opened under it, green text on a dark background because that makes me feel like a h4x0r of course, and ZSH shell because it's awesome. Irreplaceable combination.

That kind of depends on how you're actually using it. It offers you to run your own sync engine ( on your machine instead of relying on their server to do the work. So, it's up to you whether or not you want to use their server.