Ruth Suehle

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Raleigh, NC

Ruth Suehle is the community leadership manager for Red Hat's Open Source and Standards team. She's co-author of Raspberry Pi Hacks (O'Reilly, December 2013) and a senior editor at GeekMom, a site for those who find their joy in both geekery and parenting. She's a maker at heart who is often behind a sewing machine creating costumes, rolling fondant for an excessively large cake, or looking for the next great DIY project.

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It's possible I had some intern in mind when I wrote it. :-)

Social media companies already know that things like this matter. It's why Twitter's prompt has changed from "What are you doing?" to "What's happening?" to simply "Compose new Tweet..." It's why Facebook dropped "What's on your mind?" for six months and then brought it back. It's why Facebook changed your interaction with a Page from "Become a fan" to "Like," and then instead of having "Connections," those Pages got "Fans." They don't do these things because they've run out of hackysacks in the office.