Dan Thyer

37 points
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Charlotte, NC

Dan is passionate about building cool stuff, writing articles, having fun with technology and talking about it in user groups. Dan is co-founder and CTO of Logical Advantage, http://www.logicaladvantage.com. Logical Advantage has successfully delivered software and technology solutions for 14 years and was awarded an IT-oLogy Blue Diamond award for Human Capital Development. Dan is president and founder of the Charlotte Internet of Things (http://www.meetup.com/Charlotte-Internet-of-Things/) and the Logical Advantage Charlotte Tech Talks (http://www.meetup.com/Logical-Advantage-Charlotte-Tech-Talks/) user groups. Dan is on the steering committee of the NC Regional Internet of Things and the Enterprise Developers Guild. Dan was recently awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional MVP award for his engagement in the community around IoT +.net and Microsoft Channel 9 has featured Dan's IoT projects 8 times!

Dan's articles, videos and open source code has accumulated about a million views.

Authored Content

10 tips for DIY IoT home automation

We live in an exciting time. Everyday more things become Internet-connected things. They have sensors and can communicate with other things, and help us perform tasks like…