
Authored Comments

Hi again Manuel,

Changing the directory name to LXDE-pi did the trick. Thank you again very much for all of your assistance. I've learned a lot through the process of getting this project up and running.

Cheers, Quantz

Hi Manuel,

Thanks for your response and your willingness to help. I am running a RPi 3 Model B with this Stretch image installed from NOOBS 3.0.0:

Linux picframe 4.14.98-v7+ #1200 SMP Tue Feb 12 20:27:48 GMT 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux

I have followed all of the instructions in your tutorial with the exception of configuring the Power-On Schedule. Also, I have verified the presence of the Autostart file in the appropriate directory:


The main issue is that on reboot, the slide show does not start. The slide show does, however, work if I enter either the command or the command in Terminal.

Thank you again! -Quantz