How to crosspost your article

Many authors who are part of the community want to crosspost their work to their personal blog or other platforms such at LinkedIn or Medium. We've prepared a few tips for our authors to help guide them through republishing their work.

Instructions for crossposting on LinkedIn

On your LinkedIn homepage, click the "Write an article" button in the Share an article, photo, video, or idea section at the top of the screen. This should open a new browser tab.

On the publish page, copy and paste the title into the Headline section or craft a new headline of your choosing. Copy and paste the article body post into the Write here section.

At the bottom of the LinkedIn post, authors who wish to keep the article under the same license may add the following licensing information and link back to the original article:

“This article was originally published on [link to article] and is licensed under Creative Commons SA-BY 4.0.”

Note: Authors are responsible for making sure the correct license and attributions are applied. The example above should work for the majority of the content published on

There's a place to add an image in the top section. You may re-use Creative Commons licensed images from your article or you can use an image that you have rights or permissions to use. The LinkedIn publisher will ask you to upload an image from your device.  If you use an image from, be sure to include the appropriate Creative Commons attributions with a link back to the original article or image.

Image credits:, Creative Commons SA-BY.

Review your post for any additional formatting needs. We usually recommend waiting 1-2 weeks before crossposting to maximize the impact and exposure of your article, unless the post is time-sensitive.

Select the Publish button in the upper-right of the LinkedIn publisher. You'll be asked to add some tags to the post before publishing.

Instructions for crossposting on Medium

On your Medium homepage, select the New Story option from the menu under your user avatar.

On the new story page, copy and paste the title into the Title section or craft a new headline of your choosing. Copy and paste the article body post into the Tell your story... section.

At the bottom of the Medium post, authors who wish to keep the article under the same license may add the following licensing information and link back to the original article:

“This article was originally published on [link to article] and is licensed under Creative Commons SA-BY 4.0.”

Note: Authors are responsible for making sure the correct license and attributions are applied. The example above should work for the majority of the content published on

You can add a lead image by clicking the plus sign on the left side of the Medium publisher and select the camera icon (Add an image). The Medium publisher will ask you to upload an image from your device. We recommend adding a lead image between the title and the body.

You may re-use Creative Commons licensed images from your article or you can use an image that you have rights or permissions to use. If you use an image from, be sure to include the appropriate Creative Commons attributions with a link back to the original article or image.

Image credits:, Creative Commons SA-BY.

Review your post for any additional formatting needs. We usually recommend waiting 1-2 weeks before crossposting to maximize the impact and exposure of your article, unless the post is time-sensitive.

Select the Publish button in the upper-right of the Medium publisher. You'll be asked to add up to 5 tags to the post before publishing or scheduling.

Authors who wish to keep the article under the same license can change the license by selecting the license option from the Scheduling / visibility / license section near the bottom of the Ready to Publish? menu. Select License: All Rights Reserved, then select the radio button option for Some rights reserved, and choose Attribution, share alike, then select the Save button.

You can publish immediately by selecting the Publish button or you can schedule your post by choosing Scheduling: None and set up a day and time to publish the post.

If there are any questions, contact the staff by emailing us at