How to manage music tags using metaflac Correct music tagging errors from the command line with this powerful open source utility.
How I built and maintain Cantata, an open source music player In this installment of conversations with developers who build and maintain open source music players, we hear from Craig Drummond of Canata.
An introduction to audio processing and machine learning using Python The pyAudioProcessing library classifies audio into different categories and genres.
Designing open audio hardware as DIY kits Did you know you can build your own speaker systems? Muffsy creator shares how he got into making open audio hardware and why he started selling his designs to other DIYers.
Why this developer wrote a quick and responsive music player GogglesMM developer and maintainer shares the reasons he created an open source music player.
Open hardware for musicians and music lovers: Headphone, amps, and more From 3D-printed instruments to devices that pull sound out of the air, there are plenty of ways to create music with open hardware projects.