There's a growing movement for governments and other organizations to make public information freely viewable and usable without controls or copyrights. Learn the latest news and trends on open data.
The third-annual Capitol Camp is an unconference held in Albany, New York (the State Capitol). The past two years of camp have also included a 'developer summit,' described on…
During hurricane season, my attention turns to the Atlantic Ocean. I keep an eye on swell-producing storms and use a variety of forecasting tools to get to the right spot for…
Where do you start to standardize legislative information for all 50 United States? Blazing an open data trail for one state government isn't easy, so shifting 50 must be…
Montréal Ouvert is a citizens’ initiative to obtain a formal open data policy for the city of Montréal, Canada. Launched by four Montrealers in August 2010 to mobilize public…
In the past few months, the Australasian region has seen several developments building on their commitments to open government. Last week in New Zealand, the Ministers of…
One June 9th, The Department of Health and Human Services hosted the second Health Data Initiative challenge. The point behind the challenge is to promote and accelerate the…