Adam Worth

Authored Comments

Hi Mister Goldiloxx. I do like Linux Mint Cinnamon, and I think it's a great distribution. I have an Acer 7750 (Walmart model...times were lean). I immediately boosted it from 4 GB to 8 GB RAM, and it made a huge difference. You mention SSD. I recently upgraded to that as well. The system is lightning fast. (I'm proposing another article about "why" I had to upgrade to Yet, I am dealing with a 6 year old laptop that has seen better days. I work this thing relentlessly, and I can honestly say I've been very grateful to have it. I tend to run some very intensive applications (video/audio editors and Virtualbox), so the upgrades have definitely come in handy. Much less than buying a new laptop! For my computer, Antergos has been rock solid. It has not once locked up on me, and I have yet to overtax it (except when I'm running Windows 8.1 in Virtualbox).

I'm sorry you also had to deal with the Windows 7 Upgrade The path you chose was a wise one indeed. ;-) Thank you very much for reading and remarking about this article. I appreciate it very much.

By the way, here's the link for the installation page:

Great resource!