Adam Worth

Authored Comments

Hi @Michael. Thank you very much for the kind words. :-) I use the Gnome Desktop. I know there are other less resource heavy environments, but because of my hybrid Mac/PC usage, Gnome flows very easily for me. Regarding your other question, the Live install has six different desktops that Antergos comes pre-bundled with. They are (From the Installing Antergos Page):

Cinnamon: Gnome 2 - forked from Gnome Shell

Deepin: Deepin Technology Co

GNOME: Gnome 3 aka Gnome-Shell

KDE: Plasma is the KDE workspace

Mate: continuation of GNOME 2

OpenBox: extremely standards compliant WM

Xfce: a light-wight but complete DE

That's quite a nice selection to choose from without having to download each Desktop Environment separately. Installation for me went perfect the first and second time. I have another article about "why" I had to install it again!

I hope you like what you see with Antergos, @HankG. I've tried Solus with Budgie Desktop Environment, too. That is a very interesting distribution. Very promising. Thanks for the read.