Ahmad Nassri

142 points
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Ahmad is an advocate of all things open source and a developer tooling enthusiast. Currently leading the talented engineering team at Mashape in building world-class API tools and Marketplace. In his spare time, Ahmad blogs on Technology & Leadership, mentors early stage startups, and builds open source projects used by thousands of developers world wide.

Authored Comments

continue reading perhaps? the references to Open Source are plenty, since the the learnings of the new method come primarily from that world, though not advocating the switch to open source that is a separate discussion ;)

I'm quite aware (and was even knee deep in Scrum 2.0 debates!)

throwing a new coat of paint on something (swap terminology, add more rules) is no way to address the critical flaws in the foundations.

as per my replies to other comments, it boils down to the foundation of Agile and Scrum being focused on "paying customer, who is oblivious to the user experience and technology decisions involved" where in the modern world, this is not a description of a successful business customer, nor does it apply to the product development outside of the agencies & service industry, where work is outsourced to teams with no connection to the business, and the business with little interest in the work other than delivery date and budget.