Aaron Williamson

113 points
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Brooklyn, NY

Aaron Williamson is an attorney at Tor Ekeland, P.C., where he counsels software companies, startups, and other technology-focused clients on business transactions, intellectual property issues, regulatory compliance, and related matters. Previously, he worked as in-house counsel at IEEE and as a staff attorney at the Software Freedom Law Center, where he advised community free and open source software projects.

Authored Comments

Thanks, Ben -- I'm sorry to make you work so hard for it, but I appreciate that you put in the time! I'll keep following the case and will have more as things develop, either here or on my firm's blog.

Direct patent infringement is a strict liability cause of action, meaning the infringer doesn't have to be aware of the infringement to be held liable. However, if they do know, they may be infringing "willfully," in which case the available damages increase significantly.