Ben Cotton

5063 points
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Lafayette, Indiana

Ben Cotton is a meteorologist by training, but weather makes a great hobby. Ben works as the Fedora Program Manager at Red Hat. He is the author of Program Management for Open Source Projects. Find him on Twitter (@FunnelFiasco) or at

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5 reasons wikis rock for documentation

You may not have noticed, but people often become attached to their favorite technology. This could be a mobile phone, a programming language, or a text editor. When you work…

Authored Comments

Good luck! If it works, I hope you'll consider submitting an article describing how you did it.

Thanks, Don! Years ago I used a different Hauppage card for MythTV. But shortly after I was done, the provider starting moving to digital. And then I canceled service anyway. I just bought an antenna to get over-the-air broadcasts, I may have to setup MythTV again to record the few things I really care to capture.