BJ Maynard

939 points
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Boone, NC

I currently handle the IT support for a large local business. Although I use Windows everyday, you will find I try to use Linux and open source software anytime I can. I use Linux at home on several RPI2 devices and computers. I dabble in audio still but IoT has become a passion of mine recently. I am currently studying for The Linux Foundation System Administrator certification.

When I am not working on computers or IoT devices, you will find me outside on my family farm. Yes, you heard right. I love spending time with my wife and children on the farm. They are the reason I do what I do everyday.

You can usually find mind on LinkedIn. Send me an email any time.

Authored Comments

Great review Anderson.If more manufactures decided to actually install some form of Linux on laptops and desktops, I feel that more people would understand how much easier it truly is.

One quick thing: Who uses touch pads anymore?(lol)


I have been in your shoes before on that. It isn't what you want to hear or get. While I too get emotional during those times, I agree that taking time to respond was/is the best choice. Sometimes being quick to respond makes the situation worse and could be a vital failure due to basic human nature. Taking the time to "peer through their eyes" is sometimes what I have to do.
Bravo for being open and honest on a subject that we all do not like to deal with.