The Contrarian

Authored Comments

This has to be one of the most clueless attempts at analysis I have seen so far. It ignores so many publicly-available facts, like:
<ul><li>The community (apart from the Sun employees and a few publicity-seekers) moved en-masse to LibreOffice, where it is thriving and serving end-users at least as well as Sun ever managed.
<li>The code is a hairball that will take many months to untangle and them make conformant to Apache's strict rules about what may be released. No releases until that's done.
<li>Apache is not and has never been a community that served end-users and shows no early signs of understanding what that would take.
<li>... and much more.</ul>
<p>While there's the potential for good to arise from Apache in the long term if a suitably skilled and motivated community arises there, the right place to look for all the effects the article mentions is not even discussed. It's the new community that has arisen phoenix-like from OOo, LibreOffice, hosted by the energetic (and sometimes controversial) Document Foundation.