Craig Harffey

Authored Comments

An interesting experiment and write up, thanks for sharing. How have the senior management team reacted to the results, was the T & E policy changed and any plans to adopt a similar approach in other areas?

This a great post, I am totally committed to growing my company along these lines. Having spent years in investment banks seeing the type of culture I want to avoid.

Having been inspired by books like Wikinomics and Freedom, Inc I'm comfortable with the theory but struggle to come up with a balanced plan to implement. At present my firm is only a few perm staff strong and we struggle to break away from email.

My business partner supports the idea, but doesn't really understand the mechanics or all the benefits. My biggest challenge is this - as a fledgling business we have a real fear that our "intellectual capital" is at risk through increased sharing to transient contractors, customers and the public. It ties me up in knots !!

It's definitely time to sit down and have a good think about how I can implement something now so it may become part of the firm's DNA as we take on new staff