Craig Harffey

Authored Comments

Very useful post Ruth, still trying to figure twitter for business out so will bear these in mind if we ever have customers tweet us!

A CFO's role is to manage and control costs in line with the business and will invest where needed. As such they sit firmly in the "business" camp.

IT's biggest problem is translating a technical requirement into a real business case that the Board / Senior Management Team understand. Too often they are seen as a cost centre that needs to be tightly controlled and so are often seen to be "outside" the business.

Until CIO's and their team can credibly act like business leaders they will always be under a certain level of scrutiny and less likely to go out on a limb.

Totally agree with your comment about TV and general ignorance, it disturbs me the people I see out and about can vote and serve on a jury. Walking upright seems achievement enough!