
Authored Comments

Good info to know. Thanks!
Can someone comment on the free VPN service built into Opera browser? It's not bad at all for browsing.

A very informative blog post.
This is an AMAZING time to be in Tech - especially if you're into programming. So many fcuking exciting languages. I already have my eyes on Nim once it reaches 1.0, and Crystal too with its fantastic web frameworks (Geany, Amber, Kemal).
But right now I'm slowly learning Julia via a very well-done Udemy course. I just need to allocate more time.
Oh, Kotlin also looks good but I'm wondering if Kotlin.Native will eventually deliver the goods down the road. That should really shake things up.

To me, Nim is frigging disruptive. I keep peeking the forums. And let's not forget the Delphi-esque FreePascal/Lazarus IDE juggernaut. I think I will get more into that down the road so that I can effortlessly develop crossplatform GUI apps with a syntax that's near & dear to my heart since I'm a big Niklaus Wirth fan. ;-)

Hopefully Pony will get more exposure as it appears to have some really nice features. But...is it FAST in terms of runtime execution?? Speed is EVERYTHING now. Developers want it all! ;-)