
Authored Comments

"BSD may have the largest install base of any modern Unix system today. Also, every Apple Mac hardware unit shipped in recent history can be claimed by BSD, as its OS X (now macOS) operating system is a BSD-derivative."

I am so disappointed at the pace of "desktop" BSD in comparison to Desktop Linux. What's sad is that FreeBSD has the packaging, developers, cutting-edge technology and stability that you'd expect in Unix.
So why oh why can't TrueOS (formerly PC-BSD) deliver a solid stable desktop system? If I were them, I'd go straight with MATE after looking at Ubuntu Mate. This is what we need in BSD land on the desktop.

NetBSD would also make an excellent base for a desktop BSD release. It's solid, reliable and well designed. Heck, it's almost like there's a conspiracy to prevent a viable, thriving free desktop BSD from taking root.
However, GhostBSD looks promising with a Mate desktop. We shall see.

Any idea on the execution speed of Perl6 in comparison to dotNet (C#), Julia, Java, etc.?
I've read very good things about Perl6 over the past year or so - luv their mascot too. ;-)