
Authored Comments

"How did you forget Tryton? It is a community managed project that forked from Odoo nine years ago."

I still haven't a clue why Odoo changed their name from OpenERP. Oh well!
How is the POS module in Tryton? Is it easy to setup and use?
I have some clients on QuickBooks POS 8 & 9...would Tryton's POS module be a viable solution?

Pick me, pick me! ;-)
I've officially ditched Windows (7 Pro) coming up close to a year soon. And you know what? It was easier than I thought -- didn't ever feel the need to run Windows. Aaah, serenity now!

Now, if I can get my hands on a System76 lappie, I will promote it massively in the developing world as I am an expat IT consultant here in East Africa via Canada. ;-)
