
Authored Comments

I'm really surprised no one took VB/VBscript/VBA and made an open source programming language out of it - that compiles via LLVM to small, fast executables. Kind of what Crystal is doing with Ruby-like syntax but runs "fast as C."

And kind of what the FreePascal Compiler/LazarusIDE combo is doing as a viable alternative for the commercial Delphi/C++ Builder duo using Object Pascal. This has been a huge success.

Nice article.
Right now, I'm implementing a lite internal HR/CRM web app running on LAMP (MariaDB). phpMyAdmin has been remarkable for me so far in creating our database structure and tables -- all with InnoDB storage engine. All I can say is "what an amazing web app"

I would highly recommend MariaDB for small to medium database projects. For large scale DB stuff, I wouldn't hesitate to use PostgreSQL in a heartbeat.

For a mobile/embedded app, I'd probably use FirebirdSQL or SQL Lite.