
Authored Comments

> To answer your question: short term, I wouldn't choose Perl 6 for the speed, but for its features. Longer term (coming 2-5 years), Rakudo Perl 6 will get much faster.

Right now, is it comparable to the latest Python or PHP7 in execution speed? Or in 2-5 years?
Perl6 definitely has some amazing features though.

Thanks for your reply.

Either Nim, Crystal, or Julia (or all 3) will be my main goto languages in the future since they are so disruptive, FAST and innovative.
Whichever of the above 3 produces the BEST fastest, readable JavaScript output will definitely pique my interest more.

But for now, I'm going with Julia...just learning the basics while I'm also busy with other IT projects (WordPress, QuickBooks POS, KoboForm/Survey2Go on Android for mobile surveys) that don't involve coding.

During the dotCom boom, I was making good coin with the ASP/VB6/VBScript/IIS stack with SQL Server and Sybase on the backend.

Now, with PHP7's vast improvements, I'm looking to do stuff in Laravel or ProcessWire (CMS framwework). Anything that requires fast portable apps (desktop, HTML5), I'm hoping to jump on the Nim, Crystal or Julia train -- whichever has the best GUI support.