
Authored Comments

Wow, great post, Elizabeth!
Perl6 sounds fascinating with these new developments. Right now, I'm looking to get (back) more into programming with a new language and Julia, Nim, Crystal, Object Pascal/Lazarus (I love Pascal syntax!), Swift, Rust & Kotlin really tickle my fancy. Actually, I just signed up for "Learn and Master Julia Programing Language from Scratch" at Udemy - haven't started yet!

Now, enter Perl 6, and I'm wondering if I should pursue that first. But OTOH, I really want a statically compiled language that can spit out a fast executable to run "close to" C speeds. Isn't Perl interpreted?

Can you enlighten us a bit on Perl6's performance and what we should expect in the future -- as the codebase matures -- in terms of performance (compiler, etc.?) relative to the languages I mentioned above?


-Dark Matter
First 2 Laws of Computer Programming:
1) Never trust a program that has not been thoroughly debugged.
2) No program is ever thoroughly debugged.

> Mainly i use MATE that is pretty awesome too.

Is it just me, or is MATE getting bloaty after transitioning to GTK3+? MATE was at its best and most efficient when it was based on GTK2.