David Egts

270 points
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Stow, OH

David Egts | Chief Technologist, North America Public Sector, Red Hat. Drum playing, motorcycle riding, computer geek, husband, dad, and catechist. Follow me on Twitter at @davidegts and check out the podcast I co-host!

Authored Comments

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!

Not sure if TJ would get this note as part of the comment thread, or if replying to his thread will ping him directly (maybe try that?), but what would you like to know about Armbian in particular?

Personally, I never heard of Armbian until I dug into the Orange Pi. It seems to be a very active community. By supporting boards from many hardware vendors, the community can be bigger and problems solved for one board could possibly help other boards making the distribution all the more valuable.

Others have commented on this post about the proprietary nature of the Orange Pi, which seems to happen in many efforts at first to get off the ground (Raspberry Pi included). The good news is that by banding together as open source communities we can work together to come up with open solutions. We've seen this with other hardware units and peripherals which started out as proprietary too.

Cool. Feel free to let us know in the comments your first impressions!

I'm a Raspberry Pi fan too and it's great to see all the innovative form factors and price points for use in IoT and STEM applications.