David Doria

442 points
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Rensselaer, NY

I am currently working on a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I work in the field of computer vision and image processing. My research deals with 3D data analysis, particularly from LiDAR scanners. I have benefited tremendously from the practices of open source and strive to continue to do my part to continue the give-and-take cycle!

Authored Comments

Intersting, thanks for sharing Máirín!

Yes, StackOverflow certainly has its place. I use it as well. While I have certainly received excellent answers there, I don't feel nearly the same sense of community.

I did not intend this article to be a comparison of forums - rather to share my experience and attempt to explain how this type of experience can be beneficial to programmers, particularly ones who work on open source.