David Spalding

Authored Comments

Never used Google News myself, but when I tried this morning, I found very brief snippets, clear attribution to the source, and a link to the source content provider. I don't see the problem ... though I don't see any (C) notices either.

I guess this would be a problem when the entire (source) article is only 250 words or so. And for Internet readers who have the attention span of a housefly and don't click links. Of course, if those online news sources had their <em>stront</em> together, they'd have interstitial ads intercept users coming from Google, then redirect to the content after their site had made the Belgian equivalent of the "cha-ching" sound.

BTW, I noticed that Google's Language Tools won't translate to or from Flemish ... think there's some sour grapes at work?

I can't resist. I'm Waving bye-bye.

The buzz about Wave before I got to see it was so unfairly hyped (e.g. "Wow, Google has some unknown collaborative online thingie, it's supposed to be cool") that once I saw it, instead of a finding an innovation banquet I thought, "Where's the beef?" After several days trying to make a) sense of it and b) some practical use of it, I gave up. Perhaps I should've tried harder, but IMHO I think Google should've spent more time in Alpha before the over-hyped Beta. I don't think crowdsourcing is an alternative to skilled design and implementation.

If this is the next move ("Hand it to some open source developers, see if they can sort it out"), then I'm ready for the Wake.