David Spalding

Authored Comments

I, too, have deleted myself from the FaceSpace, partly due to the snowballing privacy threats, partly from a quick scan of Julian Angwin's great book, <em>Stealing MySpace</em>. I think Facebook is borrowing more than just a few pages from the Myspace playbook, essentially duplicating the site's voracious growth model by putting advertising and marketing interests before those of users. The interface, what was once a simple "home page," has recently mimicked MySpace's incomprehensible visual mess that just hurts my eyes.

Companies like this can only say "Gee, sorry..." a very few times before I think I've figured out their core values.

I'm more than happy to use fee-based sites which put clientele before corporate interests ... or, of course, an open source alternative. Diaspora sounds promising.

<em>"... when Red Hat's portfolio is eventually purchased (possibly with the rest of the company), the promise is off and <strong>your defensive patents - as Brad mentions - become offensive</strong>. Unfortunately we are too experienced with Linux distributions going hostile. The fact that there's no protection from Red Hat doing so is more than unfortunate. It's unacceptable."</em> [emphasis added]

You're stating <strong>possible</strong> future events and conjecture as guaranteed outcomes upon which you're railing against us. You lost me there. Can you tell me how you're certain these things will come to pass? I can take some PTO if you need me to ride with you in your time machine....