David Spalding

Authored Comments

"Surprise! Here's the iPad."

I didn't think that a super-sized iPhone is the solution to a new, super-portable netbook/laptop device, but clearly I wasn't being engaged by Apple.

Asif, I think I know exactly what you're talking about. Nothing alienates more than being led to believe you're contributing to an open community, only to come in Monday morning and find your desk has been moved, the walls repainted, and a request by the Authorities to sign a new disclosure/terms agreement.

Time and again, the Sell Side demonstrates to me that no matter where I'm being marketed to (Twitter, Facebook, e-mail contact), it's not consumer engagement, it's Marketing.

I understood from the launch that graphics and "office suite" applications for the iPad were either available at launch-time, or within the foreseeable future. I don't see a need in my life that the iPad solves, but I'm open to the possibility that in 12-18 months, iPad version 1.1 or even 2.0 will edge closer to my portable digital device needs. Let's see what you can do with it in April, 2011. As it is now, the iPad seems a "sofa-computing solution."

Disclosure: for 7-8 years, I used a Casio Cassiopoeia PocketPC as my daily "second brain": keeping appointments + notes + task lists, listening to music, reading eBooks, looking up reference questions, playing a few old-fashioned games. I didn't need or crave WiFi or browsing -- computers were usually nearby (or my latest phone provided that).