David Spalding

Authored Comments

I'm wary of the use of e-mail to send out bulletins or alerts. I wrote about this many years ago[1] when stale, outdated, invalid warnings and pleas for assistance were being forwarded around long after the root issue had passed. "Craig Shergold" is a shining example of e-mails being retransmitted after the lad had recovered (to some degree) and even grown up. Though I think use of the Internet has matured somewhat, the proliferation of "short burst, forgettable content" vectors like Twitter, FB, et al, indicates a new "dumbing down" of online communications. I think the perils of faulty bulletins sent via e-mail are still very much alive.

[1] <a href="http://korova.com/virus/alerts.htm">http://korova.com/virus/alerts.htm</a>

The best thing about making a holiday gift of an open source-based gadget is that you're showing the market watchers that we're not all mindless drones, drudging out way to the A**** or B*** B** stores with disposable (or not) income ready to feed the maws of big corporate brutes who wield marketing and leveraged reviews to tell us what we are expected to want. Here's to choice (and run-on sentences)!