Michael McCune

132 points
Picture of Michael's face

Michael McCune is a software developer in Red Hat's emerging technology group. He is an active contributor to several radanalytics.io projects, as well as being a core reviewer for the OpenStack API Special Interest Group. Since joining Red Hat, he has been developing and deploying applications for cloud platforms. Prior to his career at Red Hat, Michael developed Linux based software for embedded global positioning systems.

Authored Comments

++ excellent suggestion!

i don't find myself needing them on hotkey all that frequently, but this is certainly a good tip.

good question! as Scott points out, there is no dedicated service built in to KeePassX for storing your database file in the cloud.

i would suggest using something like a cloud synchronized folder to store your database files, these will get backed up every time you save them. i know dropbox has this functionality and i believe others do as well (gdrive, etc).