
Authored Comments

Odoo (formerly known as OpenERP until May 2014) and OpenBravo
offers a complete suite of open-source business apps to manage companies of all different sizes.

Odoo is very user friendly and customizable, you can use a lot of features out of the box.

If you need a business intelligence suite, take a look at Pentaho Business Intelligence. It provides data integration, OLAP services, reporting, dashboarding, data mining and ETL capabilities.

The community is as important as the code. All successful open source projects have a great community working behind them.
About 4 years ago, a friend of mine started working in an open source project, he invited me to join at his project and i did begin to collaborate with him.
We did the first release and was great, but couldn't get the attention of others developers and users. Sometimes, someone send us a message to thank us for the great project, but the adoption wasn't like expected.

We continue working in the project and we need your advices to get more attention from developers and users and maybe we can create a community to support our project in near future.