Richard Fontana

Authored Comments

I wonder if the "behaved like they owned the place" was a reaction to the efforts (mostly by Bradley, but [during the Bradley/Karen talk necessitated by Armijn Hemel's inability to show up] also by me) at limiting attendance size in accordance with ULB safety regulations. In addition to the intrinsic importance of such safety, it was very important for the ongoing viability of FOSDEM for the devroom organizers to enforce the audience size limits. The room we were given was small, as I've noted, and most of the talks were being recorded, which made it necessary to provide some guidance to latecomers regarding where to sit and how to get to said seats.

That was certainly said about (so-called) Generation X in the early 1990s. What I don't know is whether the recovery from the early 1990s recession led to the disappearance of such statements - I assume it did.