Gary Scarborough

Authored Comments

You should care, even if you won't be using it. This is a sign that Linux is being seen as mainstream. If nothing else, this opens up support for the platform. While I love Linux and everything it stands for, I am not naieve to the fact that not all software is going to be free. Even still, this will benefit all of us who use Linux in a number of ways. Better hardware support, more exposure to general audiences, more development of the platform.

I suspect that Valve will be putting some form of Linux on their rumored Steam box. Microsoft does not seem to be serving the PC gaming platform much anymore. And Windows 8 really isn't designed to run games. The desktop in it is already a second class citizen. Linux though could be a boon to Valve. Its a platform they can have full control over and that can be easily stripped down to the essentials. Its not hard to build a small distro that is bascally instant on. And they won't even have to pay a fortune for it.

I have read many many postings applauding this move from Apple. Do people not realize that the schools that $15 texts could help are the same ones that can't afford to buy iPads? Even if the books were FREE, the cost of the iPad outpaces the cost of books. Remember, iPads have non replaceable batteries. Batteries last 2-3 years at most.