Gary Scarborough

Authored Comments

I am not a fan of the decision to give OOo to Apache. While I respect Apache's choice of license for its own work, I think it is pretty clear it is not the license type that the community wants for its office suite. In my mind, Oracle is just trying to skate around their behavior that no one likes. It looks like they are being nice and all, but at any point they can swoop in and take the work that the community has put into the project. I think the project will do much better in a GPL type environment. I think most distro's are of the same opinion as many have switched to libreOffice.

One other thought I had about ditching email in favor of other services is that its a bit selfish. I'm not trying to be rude, but if you think about it, its a bit self centered. By ditching email, you are requiring the other party to create an account on another service. I personally don't use Facebook because I don't like giving away my privacy. I also don't like the fact that Facebook will track you virtually anywhere you go on the web. Most other social sites have similar issues. Asking that an end user create an account on one of these sites may serve your interest, but what about theirs? Sending an email has a much smaller impact on privacy, and with encryption, should be completely private. Can you really have a private conversation on any of these other services? You can't even really trust IM or texting for that matter. But you can send secure email from point to point. Anyway, just another point to think about.