Jim Salter

602 points
Jim Salter
West Columbia

I'm a mercenary systems administrator located in Columbia, SC. My first real hands-on experience with open source software was running Apache on FreeBSD webservers in the late 90s and early 2000s. Since then, I moved on to Samba, BIND, qmail, postfix, and anything and everything else that grabbed my attention. I currently support Windows, FreeBSD, Debian, and Ubuntu workstations and servers doing just about everything that you can possibly do with any or all of them. RAH said it best - specialization is for insects!

Authored Comments

I still rock a System 76 Gazelle Pro P6 at conferences and client sites! I've had that thing for, sheesh... six or seven years now? It's been awesome.

I'd have loved to review the Galago Pro... but the Oryx is what they sent me, so the Oryx is what I reviewed. Like I said in the opening paragraph, I didn't pick the individual devices, I just asked the manufacturers to send me whatever they would like the audience to see.

For System76 in particular, they said they'd have liked to send me a Galaga Pro, but apparently didn't have any review units available when I requested something.