Jim Salter

602 points
Jim Salter
West Columbia

I'm a mercenary systems administrator located in Columbia, SC. My first real hands-on experience with open source software was running Apache on FreeBSD webservers in the late 90s and early 2000s. Since then, I moved on to Samba, BIND, qmail, postfix, and anything and everything else that grabbed my attention. I currently support Windows, FreeBSD, Debian, and Ubuntu workstations and servers doing just about everything that you can possibly do with any or all of them. RAH said it best - specialization is for insects!

Authored Comments

My homebrew runs at 9.2W, as measured by plugging it into a Kill-A-Watr.

I personally use Ubuntu, Don - partly because I prefer Debian package management, and partly because Ubuntu offers LTS versions with explicit support cycles. I like knowing that 14.04 LTS came out in April of 2014, will expire in April of 2019, which means that in April of 2016 I can choose whether or not to look at an upgrade to 16.04 LTS, and if I choose not to, in April of 2018 I have one year during which I NEED to migrate to 18.04 LTS.